ON/NO Event Schedule | Calendrier des activités d’ON/NO

Events in October 2024

  • - Swim at Pool S
    Swim at Pool S

    Swim at Pool S

    11 October 2024

    Regular swim for ON/NO members and their sponsored guests. ON/NO also welcomes members of other naturist clubs and organizations with whom we have reciprocal arrangements. For information on how to become a member of ON/NO, see Membership in ON/NO.

    Amenities: This venue offers a warmer than average pool, a hot tub, a sauna, and a kiddy pool with kiddy slide.

    Fee: $10 per adult, free for children

    Payment: cash or debit at the door

    Entry: Doors open at 7:00 pm and are closed and locked at 7:45 pm after which time you will not be able to enter.

    Volunteers are needed to help put up and take down the curtains. If you are available, please arrive 30 minutes prior to the swim and/or be able to stay 15 minutes afterward. Many thanks!

    Pool S
    Pool South
    Ottawa, ON
  • - Swim at Pool W
    Swim at Pool W

    Swim at Pool W

    19 October 2024

    Wave swim for ON/NO members and their sponsored guests. ON/NO also welcomes members of other naturist clubs and organizations with whom we have reciprocal arrangements. For information on how to become a member of ON/NO, see Membership in ON/NO.

    Amenities: This venue is a wave pool with an enclosed two storey circular water slide with separate landing pool, a large fully accessible hot whirlpool, a dry sauna, and a kiddie pool with spray fountains.

    Fee: $15 per adult, free for children

    Payment: cash or debit at the door

    Entry: Doors open at 8:00 pm and are closed and locked at 8:45 pm after which time you will not be able to enter.

    Volunteers are needed to help put up and take down the curtains. If you are available, please arrive 30 minutes prior to the swim and/or be able to stay 15 minutes afterward. Many thanks!

    Pool W
    Ottawa West
    Ottawa, ON
  • - 2024 Annual Meeting of ON/NO, Assemblée annuelle d'ON/NO de 2024
    2024 Annual Meeting of ON/NO

    2024 Annual Meeting of ON/NO

    24 October 2024

    The meeting will be held online via the Zoom Meetings video conferencing app. Information on how to connect to the meeting will be sent by email to those who hold membership for the current membership year (2024–2025) as well as those who held membership for the previous membership year (2023-2024).

    Full members in good standing (membership dues paid for the 2024-2025 membership year) may participate in the meeting and vote on any resolutions presented while provisional members and full members not in good standing may participate in the meeting but not vote on resolutions.

    Further information on the meeting, including a discussion of the items to be dealt with at the meeting, can be found at 2024 Annual Meeting of ON/NO.

    Zoom Meeting Videoconference
    Assemblée annuelle d'ON/NO de 2024

    Assemblée annuelle d'ON/NO de 2024

    24 October 2024

    L'assemblée se tiendra en ligne via l'application de visioconférence Zoom Meetings. Les informations sur la manière de se connecter à l’assemblée seront envoyées par courrier électronique à ceux qui sont membres pour l’année d’adhésion en cours (2024-2025) ainsi qu’à ceux qui étaient membres pour l’année d’adhésion précédente (2023-2024).

    Les membres à part entière en règle (cotisations payées pour l'année d'adhésion 2024-2025) peuvent participer à l'assemblée et voter sur toutes les résolutions présentées tandis que les membres provisoires et les membres à part entière non en règle peuvent participer à l'assemblée mais ne pas voter sur les résolutions.

    De plus amples informations sur l'assemblée, y compris une discussion sur les points qui seront traités lors de l'assemblée, peuvent être trouvées à Assemblée annuelle d'ON/NO de 2024.

    Vidéoconférence par Réunion Zoom